Monday, November 30, 2009

Men Will Be Men

I have a friend who believes a guy and a girl can only be good friends if the guy or girl secretly nurtured a crush on either. Is this true?? This is not about opposite sex bonding…this is about the same sex bonding or ‘male bonding’, which has been dying a natural death. And this post meanders like a river. If you are a focused on anyone in life …stop reading. Other Neanderthals can read …

When my father was young, a man had many other men as friends. And one among them would be his best pal. He would be the one guy with whom everything would be discussed and shared – sometimes even that maroon, cotton undies bought each time he visited the city.

But then those were the days. I was speaking to a 10 year old and he says he has a girl friend. “But you are a boy, why is your best friend a girl.” I asked the ten-year-old. He called me gay and ran away.

He was probably inspired by the Raymond ad in which every male model comes with a hot lady in his arms, and the punch line goes: Raymonds…For the Complete Man.

Male-Male bonding which we would indulge in as younger beings is no longer available. And the art of learning the different uses of beer, cigarette playing cards has forever been lost. Men team up with women and form a bonding.

Wondering if I am being jealous here??… I am not at all jealous looking at those long-legged, curvy structured, tightly busted blondes that go around with handsome men like me.

I know one super stud nicknamed Pra. Legend has it that he has never spent a paisa on any man, but has lost a fortune buying things for ladies and impressing them.
I asked…. “Why can’t you have a man for a friend?”

“What would I get out of men? Some advice, some adult jokes, a pat on my back and some body odor. But this lady here hugs me (he put this up in a subtle way though I know what he meant) and consoles me whenever I am sad…and I am sad most of the time.” He smirks.

I managed to pull his Girl friend across and asked her: “So, how is it having a Boy friend instead of a Girl friend?”

“He keeps talking about vehicles. And when he is not talking abt them, he talks about sports. But it is fine till he takes me shopping and drops me back home.” She knew what she was up to.

Older men still believe a man needs another man for company.
A standard reply is all I got for the question why?? Because men have balls.


jayan said...

I love the google male bonds add that shows up..

Joshua said...

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