Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My First Satellite Phone Call

Scene: My place...9 PM IST

Some good Chinese, Coke, Gtalk & Westlife(Seasons in the Sun).

*Chat Window*

High intensity chat session

Me: let me see if we can work things out

X(Girl from far far away land): I know things will work out. Please give "us" another chance.

Me: I don't want to get into anything now

X: Where are you now ?

Me: Home

X: I'm in the middle of nowhere. I want to talk to you right now.

Me: Do not call me now. (Meaning: Call me now)

X: Please I need to hear your voice

Me: My voice ?? Why ??

X: Please don't be funnny now. I'm serious

*Tring Tring...Tring Tring* (Yes my ringtone is also quite dramatic)

*Satellite phone - Unknown number* (My first ever sat call)

Intensity magnifies

It either one of the two below:

A) Long lost love

B) Indian Intelligence calling me to Hire me (Bond... James Bond)

Me: Hello (Acting all cool)

Voice: Hello

Me: It's not clear...Can you speak up please.

Voice: Hello (Man's voice)

"I'm pretty convinced that it's Indian Intelligence by now"

Voice: Listen... I have 3 mins only. So hear out my instructions.

Me: Sir...Yes sir

Voice: I need you to login to my email account and build an NFL team for me.

Me: Who are you ??

"Turns out I was expecting Mohini and Mohith Rao called. My first sat phone call down the drain".



Vignesh Anand said...

Hilarious! Mogi instead of Mohini. hahahahahaha

And the best supporting actor goes to...............................................Jijeeeeeeeeesh

sailusha said...

you have mohit's password? awww! :D